Video Games Studio: Leaf is assisting one on-line video games company for its initial USD 5M Series-A financing to set up operations in US and in the PRC (structuring the project, transition of the management, term-sheet, contractual documentation, negotiations, creation of entities, employee incentives plans, sourcing investors, publishing contracts, IP protection, etc.).
PRC Retail Statistics: Series-A funding operations for a company developing and publishing a mobile app dedicated to retail statistics (term-sheet, contractual documentation, negotiations, creation of entities)
PRC Digital press / leisure: seed investment and Series-A funding of a company operating in the paper and digital press dedicated to luxury and travel of foreigners in France. Advising the structure of the management team (structuring the group and the financial flows, intercompany contracts, sourcing angel investors and PE funds, term sheet, contractual documentation, negotiations, incentive of employees, software development contracts, etc.).